Thursday 11 June 2009

Madina again

Husband and I dropped the children off at our friends, Allah bless them for being the great people they are, and took a flight to Madina from Jeddah again.

Reason was, I was unable to do my Ziyarat the last time we were there and so wanted to get that. Also, we had planned on another Umrah and even though the option of Masjid-e-Ayesha was open to us, we wanted to do it from Madina since that is masnoon.

Makkah does not have an airport. Which is fine by me. They have enough commercialism as it is. And driving 8 hours was not an option. So we flew over Jeddah. The flight connection is good enough and when you consider that the taxi takes 400 and a return ticket costs 280ish, well its not a bad option. Of course, you get a lot more people in a taxi...

But this was a good enough option. So we flew out with the Saudi Arlines at around 1 in the night. Got there and were faced by a horde of taxi drivers all very anxious to take us.

Dont opt for the chaps standing inside the airport, they're private persons with their own cars and they'll charge you the moon. Better option are the normal taxis standing outside. We got one of those and off we were..

Stayed at the same Al Ansar hotel. Smaller room this time. Dumped our bags, had a shower and off we were for the fajr prayers. After that, I got in line for Ziyarat. More on that in the next post. For now, a word about prayers:

They have namaz-e-janaza after every farz prayer in Madina and Makkah. Do learn the proper way of praying and do pray. Its a source of thawab and it serves as a reminder of what is yet to come to us...

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