Thursday 11 June 2009

About the tawaf

Just an info about the tawaf. If you should become tired and not be able to continue, there is no harm in stopping where you are and resting for a few seconds. Just dont turn back.. continue from where you stopped and your tawaf will continue. However, since there is such a sea of people who push you no end, you might end u p being pushed back.. so do consider that..

Secondly, what they do at prayer times is that they push the women back to the sheltered areas, holding that women are not allowed to pray on the main area surrounding the Ka'ba. So if you're in the middle of a tawaf and they send u back, no worries. Just come back after the prayers. If you stopped at round 5, start from there. Dont go back and start from round 4.. that would nullfiy your tawaf.

Its best to plan the tawaf away from the prayer times though.. but, it is always full. Its just the break that youre forced to make that spoils the whole effect.

Dont touch the Ka'ba while youre in Ihram. Its walls are perfumed and you are not allowed any perfume while in that state. So dont do that..

Also, when your'e praying the nafl of tawaf: in the first rak'a recite suran Al Kafiroon and in the second, surah Al Ikhlas.


  1. it is the most wonderful and amazing feeling while you are performing tawaf. i really feel calm and happy and secure while doing tawaf-e-kabba. May Allah call us again to this Holy place again n again ameen

  2. Ameen - yes, it is such a great desire of mine to be able to go there again and again... I too felt calm and at peace with myself during tawaf. Though there are so many disturbances, but they dont matter at all..
