Saturday 20 June 2009

Another Umrah

Our work done in Madina, we flew back to Jeddah. Since we were all in Ihram, it was wisest to go directly to Makkah. Which we did. Taxi fare is between a reasonable 80 Riyals to exorbitant 120.. but, what to do.

So we came back to the Haram. The girls took care of the little one and we both did our Umrah. It was a great experience.. doing the rituals together. And it was also needed.. I had a high fever and could not have managed the Sa'ee alone. So hubby held my hand and sort of pulled me up the hill..

I think I mentioned earlier that if you want to avoid very painful leg cramps, do some simple leg stretches after the Sa'ee. It will save you days of pain later on. That is, if you're as out of sport as I am :)

Our Umrah done, we left the girls to their devices and returned to the hotel room. On the way back I stopped at a pharmacy and asked what medicine I could take. On the advice of the pharmacist I took antibiotics and something to relieve the congestion. Which was just as well. I would advise taking antibiotics straight away. Hajj or Umrah are not the times for natural remedies.

Spent the night quite ill and was alright the next day. Which is when we did some sightseeing in Makkah..


  1. i had my 2 year old daughter with me during this trip and to my surprise and from Allah SWT blessing she herself performed 5 rounds of saee without any difficulty or tiredness. MashaAllah

  2. MashaAllah - yes that was surely a blessing of Allah, the Almighty.
