Thursday 31 December 2009

End of the Journey

I havent written since quite a while. Just got caught up in the business of living, day to day. There isnt much to say, after all that. We spent the last 2 days at peace in Makkah, drove back to Jeddah and took our flight back home. The most poignant moment for me, was Tawaf-e-Wida - the last tawaf I did before leaving the bounds of the Haram. I can only compare it to feelings I have when I am on leave, visiting my father and the time to come back home is upon me. I went through the same feelings - of having to leave behind a part of myself. I turned round, a few times, before we finally stepped out of the huge doors...

Its been so many months now, but reading through this blog today, I could feel myself put back in time - I could feel all those sensations and all those feelings.

I'd like to wrap this Journal up.. with the very strong prayer in my heart that I stand in line for that Invitation again, very soon. And with the prayer, that each Muslim be granted this Blessing.

For sure, there is nothing, no sight, no place, no scene, more worthy of being appreciated, and visited and yearned for, than the hills, plains, streets and corners, of Makkah Mua'zzama and Madina Munawwara.

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